Friday, March 03, 2006


Last nights episode was awesome. We finally got some information on stuff that happened in the first season. Early into the season Claire was taken for 2 weeks. We never knew what happened to her until last night. She was taken to another bunker where they kept her drugged and kept putting a "vaccine" into her belly through a needle. They had a nursey set up there and told her that she would have to leave her baby there after it was born but she could return to her friends. Because Claire was drugged she was agreeing with them and had forgot about everyone else. We also met Rousseau in season one and were told that she had a baby with her when she got to the island but "they" took her. While Claire was in there a teenage girl (Rousseau has been there for 16 years) came and took her out of the bunker and into the jungle. Rousseau found Claire and tried to help her (we had thought in season one she was trying to take her we know she was helping!) So...this could be Rousseau's daughter.
Kate also found costumes that it looks like "the ohers" were dressing up in. They really arn't scruffy yucky people. Interesting!!! I cannot wait to see what happens next.

All around an awesome epoisode!!!

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