Monday, March 05, 2007

Busy weekend

I cannot believe it is Monday already...and I took Friday off too! I had 2 appointments on Friday...the first was with the allergist to do my yearly allergy testing. It looks like I still have 2 years of shots to go....every Thursday I go for a allergy shot!
My other test was with a specialist...I will not go into details on what they did for my test....let's just say it SUCKED!!!! But I got the results right away and everything is fine! (A big relief actually...I was a little worried).
Noah went to a sleepover party Friday night. We picked him up at 10 Sat. morning...and then he went to another friends at noon...popular kid!!
We had family bible study Sat night. Stephan did a great job!!
Sunday was it's usual busy day! We even added a youth service to the mix. Our new youth pastor made it a "spy" themed night. All the kids got right into it and had a great time. It was our most attended youth service too. I was impressed!
After the service we went to Steve and Christina's and had a great spaghetti dinner. It was awesome.
I am exhausted now!!! BUT...I only have 5 more work days and then I am on holidays for a week!!!!!!!!!!!


Christina said...

I'm so glad you guys came over on Sunday!

It was a great, albeit very busy weekend!


Christina said... it's Friday again...

I feel like we skipped a few days this week!

How the heck does this keep happening?