Friday, December 01, 2006

Snow Day

Well Emily has been waiting for this since she started school in September...buses are cancelled today. She knew last year that there was a chance I would take them anyway depending on how bad the weather is. Not this year...she is an official bus student and more then 80% of her class takes the bus, so there will be no one in her class. Not to mention I cannot get her there with all the other kids here.
It is my fault really that the buses are cancelled. I sent out an e-mail to all my daycare parents yesterday about bus cancellations. I told them that if buses are cancelled then I would be keeping all the kids home. I am not wiling to take the risk and take out a 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 year old out in freezing rain. Someone is bound to fall and get hurt. I would rather keep them in and have a fun day! So, that is what we are doing today. We will do our first Christmas craft of the season!
Have a great day and be safe!


Anonymous said...

come on now...not that bad out just wanted a day with your kids at home too....

Melissa said...

ummm well I love days home with my kids...but I don't argue with the bus system...they cancelled so...I did too!
It is supposed to get worse later

Christina said...


You can't go wrong with the Christmas crafts!

Melissa said...

so be careful!

Christina said...

HA...we posted at the same time! Hi!

mclaren.ic said...

Come on ... you get freezing rain, snow and -31 windchills out here and it's business as usual. Unbelievable. Enjoy it.

Christina said...

When Steve and I were in Winnipeg, two weeks before graduation in April, it went down to -70 with the wind chill!

YIKES!!!! I was thankful for my down-filled coat and all the tunnels down Portage ave!

Melissa said...

sorry Ian...we are enjoying the day off. The kids have made ornaments and pictures for Christmas.We are haivng fun!!

Christina...that was weird that we posted at the exact same time!!

I think I will stick to Ontario weather over Winnipeg. Ian...we will only visit in the summer!

Unknown said...

...not a single mention of your favourite sons hockey night. I expected a photo to be posted. Oh well, snobby Sens fans finally win a game and think all is well.


Melissa said...

you heard me say that I was with 6 kids troday right...slightly busy.
It will be up soon!!

Sue Matthews said...

It's pouring rain and 4 degrees here in Windsor. No snow days for us!