Friday, October 06, 2006

Being Thankful

It is the time of year to be thankful. I am thankful for so many things. Here are a few:
*Rob, Emily and Noah
*both our extended families
*my parents
*my mother in law
*our friends
*our church
*my job
*Rob's new job
*our home
*that we have food to eat everyday!
*we are all healthy
*both my kids have good teachers this year
*that I have a green thumb!
*that it is Friday before a long weekend!!!!!
*that I can sleep in tomorrow
*I will be thankful that Rob makes it home safely today (he had to fly to New York for work today)

I am sure that I am thankful for more. Maybe I will post more later. Right now I am thankful that all the kids here are sleeping and I am going to knit!!


Sue Matthews said...

That's a pretty great list. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Melissa said...

Thanks!! You too!! Enjoy your weekend with Nick!