I am so glad that the Linz family won!! They were my favorite team! They played the game well and I was always impressed with how the brothers treated thier sister. She may have been slower then them and not as strong but they always waited for her and carried her bag when they needed to help her. Nice!!
The Weavers on the other hand I didn't like so much. I am glad that they are Christians and I feel bad for them that they lost thier Dad BUT that does not make them better then everyone else!! They always complained they were not being treated well and would then turn around and talk down about others...not cool!
I am glad in February that it will be back to teams of 2 and that they willb e travelling farther again. The Amazign Race is a great show!!
What is your favorite show right now? Mine is LOST!!
I am so hooked on the Amazing Race! I love this show so much.
Nick picked the Linzes right from the start to win this race. He thought their combination of youth and strength would serve them well.
I wasn't crazy about this family edition. I didn't like that they stayed in the US so much, although we did like seeing them in Montreal and Toronto last night. I'll like it better when they get back to the regular format next time.
My favourite moment in this race was when the Gaghan's knew they were going to be eliminated, and the Dad was still doing all he could to make the race fun and exciting for the kids. I remember them carrying the idols through the rainforest in Costa Rica, or wherever they were. He was encouraging them the whole time. It was so refreshing after seeing the way the other families treated each other.
We were pretty disgusted with the Weavers. They didn't represent Christians very well. They seemed to be the ones alienating themselves from the other teams, not the other way around. I didn't care who won, as long as it wasn't them.
Nice to see more Amazing Race fans. I have been there since season one. Linz's did awesome. And you're right about the Weavers. They complained far too often. And yet they were the team with the most attitude towards the other teams. Really not a good impression of "practicing what you preach"
Feb can't come to quickly, around the world once again...
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