So our beloved Beta fish, Eddie, passed away sometime through the night. We found him belly up this morning. Noah was devasted. He loved this fish very much. We had quite a few tears before school this morning. Eddie had been sick for over a week now and we were surprised that he hung on this long.
We promised him after we get the tank cleaned up we will go and get another fish. Not a beta (they are really hard to take care of and need to be by themselves...not in a tank with others like we did). We have 6 cherry barbs, 3 cory doras and 5 loaches...oh yeah and snails that keep mutliplying. We started with 2 that came in with some plants by accident and now we have 6!!!
Anyway...hopefully the other fish will survive whatever sickness is in our tank!!
Have a great day!
I am sorry for your loss.
Maybe it's time to step it up and get a dog.
I don't think we are ready for that yet. I think we will stick to fish for now...see if we kill all the others first!
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